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Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
paan1 paan1 to climb (by pulling oneself up) / to implicate / to claim connections of higher status

Common Chinese Words Using 攀

Simplified Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
paan1 dang1 paan1 dang1 to climb / to pull oneself up / to clamber / to scale / fig. to forge ahead in the face of hardships and danger
paan1 sing1 paan1 sing1 rising
paan1 taam4 paan1 taam4 to chat
paan1 bei2, bei6, pei4 paan1 bei2, bei6, pei4 to make invidious comparisons / to compete with / to emulate
paan1 pa4 paan1 paa4 to climb
paan1 yut6 paan1 jyut6 to climb over / to get over (difficulties) / to scale / to surmount
paan1 chan1 paan1 can1 to claim kinship / to seek a relation

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