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Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
faan1, faan2 faan1, faan2 to return (to)

Common Chinese Words Using 返

Traditional Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
faan1, faan2 wui4 faan1, faan2 wui4 to return to / to come (or go) back
chung4, chung5, jung6 faan1, faan2 cung4, cung5, zung6 faan1, faan2 to return to
wong5 faan1, faan2 wong5 faan1, faan2 to go back and forth / to go to and fro / round trip
faan1, faan2 heung1 faan1, faan2 hoeng1 to return to one's home town
hin2 faan1, faan2 hin2 faan1, faan2 to repatriate (e.g. prisoners of war) / to send back
faan1, faan2 hong4 faan1, faan2 hong4 to return to the point of departure
faan1, faan2 gwok3 faan1, faan2 gwok3 to return to one's country

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