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Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
ying4 jing4 camp / barracks / battalion / to build / to operate / to manage / to strive for

Common Chinese Words Using 營

Traditional Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
ging1 ying4 ging1 jing4 to engage in (business etc) / to run / to operate
ying4 yip6 jing4 jip6 to do business / to trade
si1 ying4 si1 jing4 privately-owned / private
ying4 chou3, chou5, jou6 jing4 cou3, cou5, zou6 to build (housing) / to construct / to make
man4 ying4 man4 jing4 privately run (i.e. by a company, not the state)
jan6 ying4 zan6 jing4 group of people / camp / faction / sides in a dispute
ying4 yeung5 jing4 joeng5 nutrition / nourishment

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