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Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
sin6 sin6 good (virtuous) / benevolent / well-disposed / good at sth / to improve or perfect

Common Chinese Words Using 善

Traditional Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
yun4 sin6 jyun4 sin6 perfect / to make perfect / to improve
goi2 sin6 goi2 sin6 to make better / to improve
to2, to5 sin6 to2, to5 sin6 appropriate / proper
sin6 yu1, yu4 sin6 jyu1, jyu4 to be good at / to be adept at
sin6 leung4 sin6 loeng4 good and honest / kindhearted
sin6 yi3 sin6 ji3 goodwill / benevolence / kindness
chi4 sin6 ci4 sin6 benevolent / charitable

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