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Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
jyun1 zyun1 to drill / to bore / to get into / to make one's way into / to enter (a hole) / to thread one's way through / to study intensively / to dig into / to curry favor for personal gain

Common Chinese Words Using 鑽

Traditional Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
jyun1 jeun3 zyun1 zeon3 to get into / to dig into (studies, job etc) / to squeeze into
jyun1 yin4, yin6, ngaan4 zyun1 jin4, jin6, ngaan4 to study meticulously / to delve into
jyun1 taam1, taam3 zyun1 taam1, taam3 drilling
jyun1 ying4 zyun1 jing4 toadying for personal gain / to curry favor / to study in great depth
jyun1 tau4 zyun1 tau4 drill bit
jyun1 hung2 zyun1 hung2 to bore a hole / to drill / drilled hole

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