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Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
jou2 zou2 ancestor / forefather / grandparents / surname zu

Common Chinese Words Using 祖

Traditional Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
jou2 gwok3 zou2 gwok3 ancestral land / homeland / used for PRC
jou2 mou5 zou2 mou5 father's mother / paternal grandmother
jou2 fu2, fu6 zou2 fu2, fu6 father's father / paternal grandfather
jou2 jung1 zou2 zung1 ancestor / forebear
jou2 sin1, sin3 zou2 sin1, sin3 ancestor / forebears
jou2 fan4 zou2 fan4 ancestral tomb
jou2 chyun4 zou2 cyun4 passed on from ancestors / handed down from generation to generation

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