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Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
jeun6 zeon6 to use up / to exhaust / to end / to finish / to the utmost / exhausted / finished / to the limit (of sth)

Common Chinese Words Using 尽

Simplified Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
jeun6 leung4, leung6 zeon6 loeng4, loeng6 as much as possible / to the greatest extent
bat1, fau2 jeun6 bat1, fau2 zeon6 not completely / endlessly
jeun6 lik6 zeon6 lik6 to strive one's hardest / to spare no effort
jeun6 tau4 zeon6 tau4 end / extremity / limit
jeun6 ching4 zeon6 cing4 as much as one likes
jeun6 sam1 zeon6 sam1 with all of one's heart
git3, kit3 jeun6 git3, kit3 zeon6 exhaustion

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