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Phonetics: Tone colors (āáǎàa):
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How to use 云 in a Sentence
Heavy clouds are the forerunners of a storm.
The storm clouds hastened the harvesting.
The clouds cleared away, and a fresh breeze sprang up.
- 在 zài
- 过 guò
- 去 qù
- 3 3
- 周 zhōu
- 里 lǐ
- , ,
- 政 zhèng
- 府 fǔ
- 再 zài
- 次 cì
- 为 wéi
- 不 bù
- 祥 xiáng
- 的 de
- 阴 yīn
- 云 yún
- 所 suǒ
- 笼 lóng
- 罩 zhào
- 。 。
Over the past three weeks, the storm clouds have gathered again over the government.
- 一 yī
- 片 piàn
- 乌 wū
- 云 yún
- 遮 zhē
- 住 zhù
- 山 shān
- 顶 dǐng
- , ,
- 使 shǐ
- 山 shān
- 前 qián
- 的 de
- 景 jǐng
- 物 wù
- 黯 àn
- 然 rán
- 失 shī
- 色 sè
- . .
The top of the mountain was covered with a dark cloud, which took shine off the front view of the mountain.
- 中 zhōng
- 古 gǔ
- 生 shēng
- 代 dài
- 以 yǐ
- 前 qián
- 的 de
- 许 xǔ
- 多 duō
- 碳 tàn
- 酸 suān
- 盐 yán
- 类 lèi
- 矿 kuàng
- 物 wù
- 是 shì
- 白 bái
- 云 yún
- 石 shí
- 而 ér
- 不 bù
- 是 shì
- 方 fāng
- 解 jiě
- 石 shí
- . .
Many carbonate masses older than Middle Palaeozoic are of dolomite rather than calcite.
- 属 shǔ
- 于 yú
- 这 zhè
- 类 lèi
- 物 wù
- 质 zhì
- 的 de
- 有 yǒu
- 云 yún
- 母 mǔ
- 、 、
- 瓷 cí
- 器 qì
- 、 、
- 石 shí
- 英 yīng
- 、 、
- 玻 bō
- 璃 lí
- 、 、
- 木 mù
- 材 cái
- 等 děng
- 等 děng
- . .
To this class of substance belong mica, porcelain, quartz, glass, wood, etc.
- 你 nǐ
- 需 xū
- 要 yào
- 尽 jǐn
- 你 nǐ
- 所 suǒ
- 能 néng
- , ,
- 最 zuì
- 大 dà
- 限 xiàn
- 度 dù
- 地 dì
- 去 qù
- 努 nǔ
- 力 lì
- 。 。
- 只 zhǐ
- 要 yào
- 你 nǐ
- 这 zhè
- 么 me
- 做 zuò
- , ,
- 只 zhǐ
- 要 yào
- 你 nǐ
- 能 néng
- 保 bǎo
- 持 chí
- 乐 lè
- 观 guān
- , ,
- 你 nǐ
- 就 jiù
- 会 huì
- 看 kàn
- 见 jiàn
- 乌 wū
- 云 yún
- 背 bèi
- 后 hòu
- 的 de
- 幸 xìng
- 福 fú
- 线 xiàn
- 。 。
You have to do everything you can. You have to work your hardest. And if you do, if you stay positive, then you have a shot at a silver lining.
- Chinese Characters with 1 Stroke
- Chinese Characters with 2 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 3 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 4 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 5 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 6 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 7 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 8 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 9 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 10 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 11 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 12 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 13 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 14 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 15 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 16 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 17 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 18 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 19 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 20 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 21 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 22 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 23 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 24 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 25 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 26 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 27 Strokes