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Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
tiu3 tiu3 to jump / to hop / to skip over / to bounce / to palpitate

Common Chinese Words Using 跳

Simplified Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
tiu3 mou5 tiu3 mou5 to dance
tiu3 cheut1 tiu3 ceot1 to jump out / fig. to appear suddenly
sam1 tiu3 sam1 tiu3 heartbeat / pulse
tiu3 dung6 tiu3 dung6 to throb / to pulse / to bounce / to jiggle / to jump about
tiu3 yeuk3, yeuk6, tik1 tiu3 joek3, joek6, tik1 to jump / to leap / to bound / to skip
tiu3 jeun3 tiu3 zeon3 to plunge into / to jump into
lyun6 tiu3 lyun6 tiu3 to jump about / (of the heart) to beat wildly

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