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Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
gim3 gim3 double-edged sword / classifier for blows of a sword

Common Chinese Words Using 劍

Traditional Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
lei6 gim3 lei6 gim3 sharp sword
bou2 gim3 bou2 gim3 (double-edged) sword
gim3 kiu4 gim3 kiu4 Cambridge, university city in England
mou5 gim3 mou5 gim3 to perform a sword-dance
gik1 gim3 gik1 gim3 fencing (sport)
gim3 lung4 gim3 lung4 stegosaurus
chung4, chung5, jung6 gim3 cung4, cung5, zung6 gim3 épée (fencing)

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