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Learn more about 弓
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Pinyin | Yale | Jyutping | English Definition for Chinese Text |
gung1 | gung1 | a bow (weapon) / surname gong |
Common Chinese Words Using 弓
Simplified Chinese | Pinyin | Yale | Jyutping | English Definition for Chinese Text |
Learn more
gung1 jin3 | gung1 zin3 | bow and arrow |
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Measure Word for 弓
Simplified | Pinyin | Used for |
张 | zhang1 | sheets (of paper); faces; flat objects |
How to use 弓 in a Sentence
They used the bow and arrow and warclub as their principal weapons.
A bucking bronco in the rodeo
Well , it's an erhu, a kind of fiddle played with a bow.
An arrow with a four - edged head is shot from a crossbow.
- 佩 pèi
- 带 dài
- 弓 gōng
- 箭 jiàn
- 和 hé
- 长 zhǎng
- 矛 máo
- 的 de
- 武 wǔ
- 士 shì
- 闯 chuǎng
- 入 rù
- 了 le
- 他 tā
- 们 men
- 的 de
- 村 cūn
- 庄 zhuāng
- 。 。
Warriors armed with bows and arrows and spears have invaded their villages.
- 一 yī
- 个 gè
- 年 nián
- 轻 qīng
- 人 rén
- 正 zhèng
- 弓 gōng
- 着 zhe
- 背 bèi
- 把 bǎ
- 一 yī
- 辆 liàng
- 重 zhòng
- 载 zài
- 的 de
- 小 xiǎo
- 车 chē
- 推 tuī
- 上 shàng
- 斜 xié
- 坡 pō
- . .
A young man was bending low to push a heavily loaded barrow up a slope.
- 这 zhè
- 时 shí
- , ,
- 乐 lè
- 队 duì
- 指 zhǐ
- 挥 huī
- 把 bǎ
- 小 xiǎo
- 提 tí
- 琴 qín
- 的 de
- 弓 gōng
- 子 zǐ
- 一 yī
- 举 jǔ
- , ,
- 乐 lè
- 队 duì
- 就 jiù
- 奏 zòu
- 起 qǐ
- 序 xù
- 曲 qǔ
- 来 lái
- . .
Meanwhile the conductor lifted his violin bow and the orchestra attacked the overture.
- 坚 jiān
- 固 gù
- 的 de
- 云 yún
- 杉 shān
- 木 mù
- 做 zuò
- 成 chéng
- 的 de
- 桅 wéi
- 杆 gǎn
- 已 yǐ
- 经 jīng
- 弯 wān
- 得 dé
- 像 xiàng
- 一 yī
- 把 bǎ
- 弓 gōng
- , ,
- 那 nà
- 一 yī
- 刻 kè
- 我 wǒ
- 觉 jué
- 得 dé
- 它 tā
- 马 mǎ
- 上 shàng
- 就 jiù
- 要 yào
- 断 duàn
- 了 le
- 。 。
The mast, which was a solid spruce spar, bent like a bow, and for a moment I thought we were going to lose it.
- 他 tā
- 那 nà
- 浓 nóng
- 眉 méi
- 大 dà
- 眼 yǎn
- 的 de
- 丘 qiū
- 比 bǐ
- 特 tè
- 型 xíng
- 的 de
- 面 miàn
- 孔 kǒng
- 、 、
- 加 jiā
- 上 shàng
- 他 tā
- 那 nà
- 厚 hòu
- 厚 hòu
- 的 de
- 弓 gōng
- 形 xíng
- 嘴 zuǐ
- 唇 chún
- , ,
- 实 shí
- 在 zài
- 是 shì
- 一 yī
- 副 fù
- 可 kě
- 怕 pà
- 的 de
- 愤 fèn
- 怒 nù
- 的 de
- 凶 xiōng
- 相 xiāng
- . .
His heavy Cupid - featured face with its thick, curved mouth was an ugly mask of fury.
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