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Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
seui5, seui6 seoi5, seoi6 cotton wadding / fig. padding / long-winded

Common Chinese Words Using 絮

Traditional Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
seui5, seui6 dou1, tou1 seoi5, seoi6 dou1, tou1 long-winded / garrulous / to talk endlessly without getting to the point
seui5, seui6 yu5 seoi5, seoi6 jyu5 to chatter incessantly
min4 seui5, seui6 min4 seoi5, seoi6 cotton wadding
fa1 seui5, seui6 faa1 seoi5, seoi6 bits of news / interesting sidelights

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