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  • xiè lay down
Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
se3 se3 to unload / to unhitch / to remove or strip / to get rid of

Common Chinese Words Using 卸

Traditional Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
se3 ha5, ha6 se3 haa5, haa6 to unload
cheui1, teui1 se3 ceoi1, teoi1 se3 to avoid (esp. responsibility) / to shift (the blame) / to pass the buck
se3 yam4, yam6 se3 jam4, jam6 to leave office
jong1 se3 zong1 se3 to load or unload / to transfer / to assemble and disassemble
chaak3 se3 caak3 se3 to unload / to dismantle
se3 fo3 se3 fo3 to unload / to discharge cargo

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