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Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
keui5 keoi5 to resist / to repel / to refuse

Common Chinese Words Using 拒

Traditional Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
keui5 jyut6 keoi5 zyut6 to refuse / to decline / to reject
kong3 keui5 kong3 keoi5 to resist / to defy / to oppose
yun2 keui5 jyun2 keoi5 to tactfully decline / to turn down gracefully
keui5 sau1 keoi5 sau1 to reject / to refuse to accept
jou1 keui5 zou1 keoi5 to meet with a refusal (e.g. visa) / to have an application rejected
keui5 fu6 keoi5 fu6 to refuse to accept a payment / to refuse to pay / to stop (a cheque or payment)
keui5 bou6 keoi5 bou6 to resist arrest

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