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Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
jyu1 zyu1 bead / pearl

Common Chinese Words Using 珠

Traditional Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
jyu1 hoi2 zyu1 hoi2 Zhuhai prefecture level city in Guangdong province 廣東省|广东省[Guang3 dong1 sheng3] in south China
jyu1 ji2 zyu1 zi2 pearl / bead
jan1 jyu1 zan1 zyu1 pearl
leui6 jyu1 leoi6 zyu1 a teardrop
hon4, hon6, hong6 jyu1 hon4, hon6, hong6 zyu1 beads of sweat
ming4 jyu1 ming4 zyu1 pearl / jewel (of great value)
jyu1 bou2 zyu1 bou2 pearls / jewels / precious stones

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