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Phonetics: Tone colors (āáǎàa):
Learn more about 职能
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Pinyin | Yale | Jyutping | English Definition for Chinese Text |
jik1 nang4 | zik1 nang4 | function / role |
Simplified Chinese | Pinyin | Yale | Jyutping | English Definition for Chinese Text |
jik1 | zik1 | office / duty | ||
nang4 | nang4 | can / to be able to / might possibly / ability / (physics) energy / surname neng |
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How to use 职能 in a Sentence
That notary is authorised to perform the certain legal functions.
The main function of the merchant banks is to raise capital for industry.
Such were the rights and privileges of a typical Indian gens.
- 司 sī
- 法 fǎ
- 职 zhí
- 能 néng
- 不 bù
- 能 néng
- 扩 kuò
- 大 dà
- 到 dào
- 管 guǎn
- 制 zhì
- 政 zhèng
- 策 cè
- 的 de
- 实 shí
- 质 zhì
- 修 xiū
- 正 zhèng
- . .
The judicial function does not extend to substantive revision of regulatory policy.
- 他 tā
- 们 men
- 都 dū
- 穿 chuān
- 着 zhe
- 田 tián
- 径 jìng
- 服 fú
- , ,
- 似 sì
- 乎 hū
- 想 xiǎng
- 掩 yǎn
- 饰 shì
- 他 tā
- 们 men
- 的 de
- 真 zhēn
- 实 shí
- 职 zhí
- 能 néng
- 。 。
They were decked out in tracksuits, seemingly to dissimulate their true function.
- 单 dān
- 一 yī
- 职 zhí
- 能 néng
- 的 de
- 机 jī
- 关 guān
- 并 bìng
- 非 fēi
- 始 shǐ
- 终 zhōng
- 可 kě
- 以 yǐ
- 解 jiě
- 决 jué
- 复 fù
- 杂 zá
- 的 de
- 管 guǎn
- 理 lǐ
- 问 wèn
- 题 tí
- . .
Single - mission agencies do not always have the answers to complex regulatory problems. "
- 这 zhè
- 个 gè
- 中 zhōng
- 心 xīn
- 有 yǒu
- 为 wéi
- 亚 yà
- 洲 zhōu
- 的 de
- 企 qǐ
- 业 yè
- 和 hé
- 企 qǐ
- 业 yè
- 家 jiā
- 提 tí
- 供 gōng
- 建 jiàn
- 议 yì
- 的 de
- 职 zhí
- 能 néng
- 。 。
The centre has a remit to advise Asian businesses and entrepreneurs.
- 此 cǐ
- 外 wài
- , ,
- 法 fǎ
- 院 yuàn
- 还 hái
- 可 kě
- 提 tí
- 供 gōng
- 单 dān
- 一 yī
- 职 zhí
- 能 néng
- 机 jī
- 关 guān
- 常 cháng
- 常 cháng
- 缺 quē
- 少 shǎo
- 的 de
- 综 zōng
- 合 hé
- 观 guān
- 点 diǎn
- . .
Moreover, courts can supply a generalist perspective that single - mission agencies often lack.
- 这 zhè
- 种 zhǒng
- 禁 jìn
- 止 zhǐ
- 内 nèi
- 部 bù
- 联 lián
- 系 xì
- 的 de
- 作 zuò
- 法 fǎ
- 一 yī
- 般 bān
- 被 bèi
- 称 chēng
- 为 wéi
- 是 shì
- " "
- 职 zhí
- 能 néng
- 的 de
- 分 fēn
- 立 lì
- " "
- . .
This ban on internal communications is generally referred to as'separation of functions. "
- 政 zhèng
- 府 fǔ
- 应 yìng
- 该 gāi
- 淡 dàn
- 化 huà
- 其 qí
- 分 fēn
- 配 peì
- 职 zhí
- 能 néng
- , ,
- 在 zài
- 分 fēn
- 配 peì
- 制 zhì
- 度 dù
- 改 gǎi
- 革 gé
- 中 zhōng
- 发 fā
- 挥 huī
- 着 zhe
- 主 zhǔ
- 导 dǎo
- 和 hé
- 引 yǐn
- 导 dǎo
- 作 zuò
- 用 yòng
- 。 。
The government should desalinize the function of distribution and play the leading and guiding function in the reform of distribution system.
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- Chinese Characters with 15 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 16 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 17 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 18 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 19 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 20 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 21 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 22 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 23 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 24 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 25 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 26 Strokes
- Chinese Characters with 27 Strokes