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Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
jeung2 zoeng2 palm of the hand / sole of the foot / paw / horseshoe / to slap / to hold in one's hand / to wield

Common Chinese Words Using 掌

Traditional Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
jeung2 aak1, ak1 zoeng2 aak1, ak1 to grasp (often fig.) / to control / to seize (initiative, opportunity, destiny) / to master / to know well / to understand sth well and know how to use it / fluency
jeung2 geui2 zoeng2 geoi2 shopkeeper
jeung2 seng1, sing1 zoeng2 seng1, sing1 applause
ba1 jeung2 baa1 zoeng2 palm / hand
sau2 jeung2 sau2 zoeng2 palm
gu2 jeung2 gu2 zoeng2 to applaud / to clap
jeung2 gun2 zoeng2 gun2 in charge of / to control

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