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Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
tai3 tai3 to substitute for / to take the place of / to replace / for / on behalf of / to stand in for

Common Chinese Words Using 替

Traditional Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
doi6 tai3 doi6 tai3 instead / to replace / to substitute (X for Y, or a number in an algebraic expression)
tai3 doi6 tai3 doi6 to substitute for / to replace / to supersede
jip3 tai3 zip3 tai3 to replace / to take over (a position or post)
gaau1 tai3 gaau1 tai3 to replace / alternately / in turn
tai3 wun6 tai3 wun6 to exchange / to replace / to substitute for / to switch
deng2, ding2 tai3 deng2, ding2 tai3 to replace
tai3 gyun1, san1 tai3 gyun1, san1 stand-in / substitute / body double / stuntman / scapegoat / fall guy / to stand in for sb else

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