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Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
dai2 dai2 to press against / to support / to prop up / to resist / to equal / to balance / to make up for / to mortgage / to arrive at

Common Chinese Words Using 抵

Simplified Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
dai2 daat6 dai2 daat6 to arrive / to reach (a destination)
dai2 kong3 dai2 kong3 to resist / resistance
dai2 jai3 dai2 zai3 to resist / to boycott / to refuse (to cooperate) / to reject / resistance / refusal
dai2 yu6, nga6 dai2 jyu6, ngaa6 to resist / to withstand
dai2 chuk1, juk1 dai2 cuk1, zuk1 to conflict / to contradict
dai2 aap3, aat3 dai2 aap3, aat3 mortgage
dai2 dong2, dong3 dai2 dong2, dong3 to resist / to hold back / to stop / to ward off / to withstand

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