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Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
chong1 cong1 barn / granary / storehouse / cabin / hold (in ship)

Common Chinese Words Using 仓

Simplified Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
chong1 fu3 cong1 fu3 depot / storehouse / warehouse
chong1 chuk1 cong1 cuk1 all of a sudden / hurriedly
chong1 wong4 cong1 wong4 in a panic / flurried
chong1 chyu5 cong1 cyu5 to store in a warehouse
leung4 chong1 loeng4 cong1 granary / barn / fig. bread basket (of fertile agricultural land)
taai3 chong1 taai3 cong1 Taicang county level city in Suzhou 蘇州|苏州[Su1 zhou1], Jiangsu
mai5 chong1 mai5 cong1 rice granary

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