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Learn more about 重點

Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
chung4, chung5, jung6 dim2 cung4, cung5, zung6 dim2 important point / main point / focus / key (project etc) / to focus on / to put the emphasis on

Traditional Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
chung4, chung5, jung6 cung4, cung5, zung6 heavy / serious / to attach importance to
dim2 dim2 point / dot / drop / speck / o'clock (an hour of the day) / point (in space or time) / to draw a dot / to check on a list / to choose / to order (food in a restaurant) / to touch briefly / to hint / to light / to ignite / to pour a liquid drop by drop / (old) one fifth of a two-hour watch 更[geng1] / dot stroke in Chinese characters / classifier for items

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