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Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
seui1, seut1 seoi1, seot1 to throw down / to fall / to drop and break

Common Chinese Words Using 摔

Traditional Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
seui1, seut1 dou2, dou3 seoi1, seot1 dou2, dou3 to fall down / to slip and fall / a throw (in wrestling)
seui1, seut1 seoi1, seot1 to trip and fall / to wrestle / wrestling (sports)
seui1, seut1 da1, da2 seoi1, seot1 daa1, daa2 to knock / to grasp sth in the hand and beat it / to toughen oneself up
seui1, seut1 dyun6, tyun5 seoi1, seot1 dyun6, tyun5 to fall and break / to break (bones) by falling
seui1, seut1 seung1 seoi1, seot1 soeng1 bump / bruise / child's injury from falling
seui1, seut1 pui1, pui4 seoi1, seot1 pui1, pui4 to drop and break

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