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Learn more about 保卫

Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
bou2 wai6 bou2 wai6 to defend / to safeguard

Simplified Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
bou2 bou2 bulgaria / bulgarian / abbr. for 保加利亞|保加利亚[bao3 jia1 li4 ya4] / to defend / to protect / to keep / to guarantee / to ensure
wai6 wai6 vassal state during the zhou dynasty (1066-221 bc), located in present day henan and hebei provinces / to guard / to protect / to defend / abbr. for 衛生|卫生, hygiene / health / abbr. for 衛生間|卫生间, toilet / surname wei

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