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Learn more about 转折

Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
jyun2, jyun3 jit3 zyun2, zyun3 zit3 shift in the trend of events / plot shift in a book / twists and turns

Simplified Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
jyun2, jyun3 zyun2, zyun3 to turn / to change direction / to transfer / to forward (mail)
jit3 zit3 to break / to fracture / to snap / to suffer loss / to bend / to twist / to turn / to change direction / convinced / to convert into (currency) / discount / rebate / tenth (in price) / classifier for theatrical scenes / to fold / accounts book
jit3 zit3 variant of 折[zhe2] / to fold

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