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Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
jeung3 zoeng3 covering veil / canopy / screen / tent / variant of 賬|账[zhang4]

Common Chinese Words Using 帳

Traditional Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
jeung3 pung4 zoeng3 pung4 tent
man1, man4 jeung3 man1, man4 zoeng3 mosquito net
jeung3 wu6 zoeng3 wu6 (bank, computer etc) account
git3 jeung3 git3 zoeng3 to pay the bill / to settle accounts / also written 結賬|结账
jeung3 hou6 zoeng3 hou6 account number
gei3 jeung3 gei3 zoeng3 charge
jeung3 bou6 zoeng3 bou6 account book

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