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Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
faan6 faan6 pattern / model / example

Common Chinese Words Using 范

Simplified Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
kwai1 faan6 kwai1 faan6 norm / standard / specification / regulation / rule / within the rules / to fix rules / to regulate / to specify
faan6 wai4 faan6 wai4 range / scope / limit / extent
si6 faan6 si6 faan6 to demonstrate / to show how to do sth / demonstration / a model example
fong4 faan6 fong4 faan6 to be on guard / wariness / to guard against / preventive
mou4 faan6 mou4 faan6 model / fine example
si1 faan6 si1 faan6 teacher-training / pedagogical / normal (school, e.g. Beijing Normal University)
faan6 chau4 faan6 cau4 category

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