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Learn more about 邢台

Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
ying4 yi4, toi4 jing4 ji4, toi4 Xingtai prefecture level city in Hebei / also Xingtai county

Simplified Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
ying4 jing4 place name / surname Xing
yi4, toi4 ji4, toi4 taiwan (abbr.) / (classical) you (in letters) / variant of 臺|台[tai2] / surname tai
yi4, toi4 ji4, toi4 desk / table / counter
yi4, toi4 ji4, toi4 typhoon
yi4, toi4 ji4, toi4 taiwan (abbr.) / platform / stage / terrace / stand / support / station / broadcasting station / classifier for vehicles or machines

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