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Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
chim1 cim1 to sign one's name / visa / variant of 籤|签[qian1]

Common Chinese Words Using 簽

Traditional Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
chim1 chyu5, syu5 cim1 cyu5, syu5 to sign (an agreement)
chim1 ding3, ding6 cim1 ding3, ding6 to agree to and sign (a treaty etc)
chim1 jing3 cim1 zing3 visa / certificate / to certify
chim1 ji6 cim1 zi6 to sign (one's name) / signature
chim1 meng4, ming4 cim1 meng4, ming4 to sign (one's name with a pen etc) / to autograph / signature
chim1 yeuk3 cim1 joek3 to sign a contract or agreement
chim1 deng6, ding6 cim1 deng6, ding6 to sign (a contract, treaty etc)

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