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Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
keui1 keoi1 to expel / to urge on / to drive / to run quickly

Common Chinese Words Using 驅

Traditional Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
keui1 juk6 keoi1 zuk6 to expel / to deport / banishment
sin1, sin3 keui1 sin1, sin3 keoi1 pioneer
keui1 dung6 keoi1 dung6 to drive / to propel / drive (vehicle wheel) / drive mechanism (tape or disk) / device driver (computing software)
keui1 sai2, si2, si3 keoi1 sai2, si2, si3 to urge / to prompt / to spur on / to order sb about
keui1 gon2 keoi1 gon2 to drive (vehicle) / to drive out / to chase away / to herd (people towards a gate)
keui1 saan2, saan3 keoi1 saan2, saan3 to disperse / to break up
keui1 cheui4, chyu1, chyu4 keoi1 ceoi4, cyu1, cyu4 to drive off / to dispel / to expel

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