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Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
gik1 gik1 to hit / to strike / to break / Taiwan pr. [ji2]

Common Chinese Words Using 擊

Traditional Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
da1, da2 gik1 daa1, daa2 gik1 to hit / to strike / to attack / to crack down on sth / a setback / a blow / percussion (music)
jaap6 gik1 zaap6 gik1 attack (esp. surprise attack) / raid / to attack
gung1 gik1 gung1 gik1 to attack / to accuse / to charge / an attack (terrorist or military)
yau4 gik1 jau4 gik1 guerrilla warfare
chung1 gik1 cung1 gik1 to attack / to batter / (of waves) to pound against / shock / impact
dat6 gik1 dat6 gik1 sudden and violent attack / assault / fig. rushed job / concentrated effort to finish a job quickly
gik1 jung1, jung3 gik1 zung1, zung3 to hit (a target etc) / to strike

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