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Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
jaai3 zaai3 debt

Common Chinese Words Using 債

Traditional Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
jaai3 mou6 zaai3 mou6 debt / liability / amount due / indebtedness
tou2 jaai3 tou2 zaai3 to demand repayment
jaai3 gyun3, hyun3 zaai3 gyun3, hyun3 bond / debenture
ngoi6, oi6 jaai3 ngoi6, oi6 zaai3 foreign debt
fu6 jaai3 fu6 zaai3 to be in debt / to incur debts / liability (finance)
jaai3 jyu2 zaai3 zyu2 creditor
him3 jaai3 him3 zaai3 to owe a debt / the sum owed

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