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Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
saat3 saat3 to kill / to murder / to fight / to weaken or reduce / to smart (dialect) / to counteract / (used after a verb) extremely

Common Chinese Words Using 殺

Traditional Chinese Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text
ji6 saat3 zi6 saat3 to kill oneself / to commit suicide / to attempt suicide
saat3 yan4 saat3 jan4 homicide / to murder / to kill (a person)
saat3 seung1 saat3 soeng1 to kill and injure
saat3 sei2, si2 saat3 sei2, si2 to kill
tou4 saat3 tou4 saat3 to massacre / massacre / bloodbath / carnage
saat3 hoi6, hot3 saat3 hoi6, hot3 to murder
saat3 sau2 saat3 sau2 killer / murderer / hit man / (sports) formidable player

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